Wednesday, August 5, 2009

factorQ has Officially moved! (...again)

We have officially moved to (and/or

Forums have moved to

This site blog will no longer be updated or maintained.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blogger/wordpress update -- article:Linux does not need to be housetrained

Apparently Wordpress has some issue with some of my content that I imported from here. bah.
anyway, the address is, if anyone wants to know. As of right now, though, it is not being used--since I can't post/edit anything there.

I guess I'm stuck with the ol' closed source blogger, for now.

In other news, this is pretty funny:

Linux converts feel that they must proselytize everyone they know and have them experience the awesomeness of Linux. Well, stop it--it just isn't going to work. Spend your time doing something more constructive and less frustrating. You'll be happier. They'll be happier. Apple and Microsoft will make more money, which will make them happier.

There's no need to convert the masses to Linux. Let them flounder and complain and pay you to fix their systems.


Well...crap. My Open Source Quandry

I thought I was all good...until I was reading this (Adventures in Open Source):
It occurred to me that as 2009 rolled around I shouldn’t be blogging about open source on a closed platform like Blogger any more, it was a bit of a contradiction. So I upped sticks and moved to Wordpress on my own server.

Now I am in the same situation (here on Blogger), and have to decide if I care enough about not being on an open source blogging platform (ie WordPress).

It is indeed a bit hypocritical to be an open source enthusiast on a closed source platform. 
On the otherhand, my webserver host SUCKS (rather, it is decent, but does go down pretty frequently -

Monday, August 3, 2009

New cool list of linux programs

New cool list of linux programs

Table of Contents:

  1. Backup software
    1. File backup software
    2. Imaging software
  2. Browsers
  3. Console (Terminal) utilities
  4. Emulators
  5. Encryption
  6. Forensic tools
  7. FTP clients
  8. HTML editing
  9. Image manipulation
    1. Digital cameras
    2. Image suite
    3. Viewers
    4. Web cameras
    5. Instant Messaging & Video conferencing
  10. Live CDs (best choices)
    1. Other useful distributions
  11. Mail clients
  12. Multimedia
    1. CD/DVD burning
    2. Conversion tools - Audio
    3. Conversion tools - DVD & Video
    4. Conversion tools - all categories
    5. Desktop recording & presentation software
    6. Players - Audio
    7. Players - Video
    8. Players - all categories
    9. Subtitles
  13. Office applications
    1. LaTeX-based text processors
    2. Office programs & suites
  14. Partitioning software
  15. Peer-to-Peer sharing
  16. Rescue & Recovery
  17. Security
    1. Firewalls
    2. Network scanners
    3. Rootkit tools
    4. Traffic sniffers
  18. Virtualization
  19. Users' recommendation
  20. Conclusion


Ballmer: We're cheaper than Apple! (but not Linux)

Ballmer talking about MS/Apple/Linux: (emphasis added)
Linux. It's all about Linux. We've been competing with Linux for a number of years. I want to describe our value proposition. We are a high-volume player. We do not, like Apple, believe in low volume, very high prices. Apple's a great company, does a fine job, but their model says high margin, high quality, high price, that's kinda how they come to market.

We say we want big market share, but with big market share you take the lower price.

Well, along comes Linux, and they say, "we have no price," which of course, we know for IP and other reasons, of course they have a price. But they say "we have no price." The problem you have with these so-called free alternatives is there's also not the incentive to a lot of the hard work to build out the ecosystem to support the hardware vendors that is required.

So a model like ours, which is high volume and high value but low priced but not free. You could say are you guys in the middle ground or are you where you want to be? And I say we're exactly where we want to be.

ERRONEOUS! if anything, the Open Source philosophy creates harder working developers, and Linux is not far behind supporting the hardware vendors.

Matt Asay:
Incidentally, these same vendors make up a significant ecosystem around Linux, the very same ecosystem that Ballmer suggests won't form due to a lack of incentives. Apparently he didn't talk to his closest partner, Intel, which is now the No. 2 contributor to the Linux kernel. I guess he didn't realize that there's a lot of money to be made around Linux, and it's money that doesn't have to be shared with Microsoft.

Here is the whole article.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Ubuntu's parent company Canonical is launching "switch to Ubuntu" migration services

Including varying levels of desktop support.

First, a little praise for Canonical: Now is exactly the right time to promote Ubuntu to individuals and small business owners. The reason: We’re nearing another PC market inflection point, where millions of uses will be forced to decide whether to hold tight to Windows XP or leap to Windows 7. Converting some of those users from Windows to Ubuntu sounds like a logical, timely strategy.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Drama in the Linux world Linus vs Cox; trouble at CentOS

After a dispute with Linus Torvalds, the long time developer and Linux kernel maintainer Alan Cox has stopped development of the Linux TTY subsystem. A debate took place on the Linux kernel mailing list over the question of whether changes in the TTY code should, or could, affect the operation of existing programs
Dispute between Linux gurus Alan Cox and Linus Torvalds

Open Letter to Lance Davis
July 30, 2009 04:39 UTC

This is an Open Letter to Lance Davis from fellow CentOS Developers

It is regrettable that we are forced to send this letter but we are left with no other options. For some time now we have been attempting to resolve these problems:

You seem to have crawled into a hole ... and this is not acceptable.

You have long promised a statement of CentOS project funds; to this date this has not appeared.

You hold sole control of the domain with no deputy; this is not proper.

You have, it seems, sole 'Founders' rights in the IRC channels with no deputy ; this is not proper.

When I (Russ) try to call the phone numbers for UK Linux, and for you individually, I get a telco intercept 'Lines are temporarily busy' for the last two weeks. Finally yesterday, a voicemail in your voice picked up, and I left a message urgently requesting a reply. Karanbir also reports calling and leaving messages without your reply.

Please do not kill CentOS through your fear of shared management of the project.

Clearly the project dies if all the developers walk away.

Please contact me, or any other signer of this letter at once, to arrange for the required information to keep the project alive at the '' domain.


Russ Herrold
Ralph Angenendt
Karanbir Singh
Jim Perrin
Donavan Nelson
Tim Verhoeven
Tru Huynh
Johnny Hughes
Also on the website, it states:
Facts Regarding CentOS and the Open Letter to Lance Davis
- CentOS is not Dead or going away.


Easy Netbook Linux

But Linux's declining popularity on netbooks also had something to do with the choice of Linux versions that PC makers chose to run on their hardware. Acer's awfully-named Linpus Linux was adequate but had none of the coolness of something like Fedora or Ubuntu Linux. And Asus' EEE Linux also failed to sparkle.

Easy Peasy

Now there is a version of Linux that runs exceptionally well on the likes of the Asus EEE, even on the smallest 4G version with its slimmed down solid state drive. Easy Peasy Linux ( was previously called Ubuntu EEE and, as its former name suggests, is based on the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution.

I installed Eeebuntu (NBR) on my wife's eeePC. Like it a lot, but this looks really similar.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Debian to adopt time-based releases ... well maybe not.

The Debian GNU/Linux Project has decided to adopt time-based development freezes from now on, on a two-year cycle.

The policy was proposed and adopted at the project's yearly conference which is taking place in Caceres, Spain.

According to the scheme, details of which have been released by project spokesperson, Meike Reichle, from now on freezes will take place in the December of every odd year - 2009, 2011 and so on.


they will use the same approach as in previous releases, where they set criteria for release-critical bugs, and release when all release-critical bugs are closed.

The difference is that they will schedule the freeze date in advance. This means that there is a bounded time period available for new development, where things sometimes need to be broken in order to make progress. Once the freeze point is reached, Debian developers will minimize breakage and focus on stabilization. Once the RC bug count drops to zero, they’ll release as usual. That could happen soon after the freeze, or it could take a long time, depending on how many bugs are introduced during development.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Which linux desktop for you?" and "an open source answer to Google Apps"

GNOME, KDE, and Xfce: Which Desktop is Right for You?

OpenGoo: An Open Source Answer To Google Apps


Monday, July 27, 2009

We live on the east coast, where we happen to have slaves. ... and happen to believe in slavery. and made in china.


Why aren't schools adopting open source?

I've often wondered this same thing, myself.

Adoption = savings, freedom, updates
Here in Kentucky the public schools are seriously strapped for cash - to the point that arts, humanities, and teachers (a precious commodity) are being dropped to save money. I have a suggestion for the public school systems around the country - adopt open source software and you will save a lot of money. Not only will you save a lot of money, you will also be able to keep all of your software up to date.

This would not be the case if the schools adopted open source software. No longer would schools be using out of date and unsupported operating systems (I know schools and institutions still using Window 98 because they can’t afford to upgrade). Every school would have the latest-greatest software and the students would be somewhat closer to the cutting edge.

If adopting open source software would allow schools to save thousands upon thousands of dollars per year (per school) I have to ask, again:
Why are schools across the country not migrating to open source software so they can focus the dollars spent on software in such a way to further the education of our children?

Educational institutions are supposed to be a pillar of learning and intellegent decisions. But it seems, as far as software is concerned, our educational system is consistently making some farily unintelligent choices.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Distro-hopping update (Part 2)

Of everything I have tried so far, my top 3 favorites at this point in time are:
  1. Ubuntu
  2. Sabayon
  3. sidux
  4. Linux Mint

1. I like Ubuntu a lot, and I have been using it for quite a while. The LTS is stable, and does not give me any problems--or they are few and far enough between that I can't really remember the last issue I had. I use this on my desktop. Pros: stable. just works. Cons: can be a pain to configure with codecs/dvd burn type stuff. Also not always with the latest software.

2. Sabayon is pretty awesome. based on Gentoo, it is definitely powerful, and runs well even on this junky-ish laptop. Entropy is well laid out and handles updates and package dependencies. Also, emerge/portage is available for packages not contained in the Sabayon repositories. Pros: fast. flexible. stable, for the most part. everything works as it should. Cons: have had a couple of bugs, but definitely nothing major.

3. sidux. another one that is very cool. sidux is based on Debian, so it can use Synaptic GUI with the very powerful apt-get command. the debian repositories are filled with tons of stuff, and .deb packages are very common. this is a rolling release distro, so there are no real upgrades in the normal sense. just run a command and everything is updated to the latest version. neat. Pros: bleeding edge software (and lots of it!). rolling release model means no big upgrades. fast. Cons: things can break when running the latest--the downside of being based off of unstable branch/sid.

4. Linux Mint. This is like a better version of Ubuntu. comes with codecs, video drivers and things preconfigured. all of the Ubuntu repositories are available. Pros: stable, lots of software available. Cons: can't really think of any, unless the style just doesn't suit you.

Friday, July 24, 2009

My Distro-hopping journey (part 1)

A while back I mentioned that I wanted to start testing out/reviewing several GNU/Linux and BSD operating systems. I've been doing this, however I have found that it is awfully imprudent (or maybe just overambitious) for me to do a full in-depth review of each one.

That really isn't much my style, anyhow. I don't really observe all the specifics about much of anything. I'm more of a "generalizer."

So, instead of having the goal of writing a full review of each one, what I am going to do is have a personal synopsis of each one, and how well it meets my criterion for being an OS that I like, or could even come to love.

Mainly, the things I would like to see:
  • a decent-sized software repository
  • a way to get updates (both for newer software, and security) that is not too complicated
  • a few desktop environments to choose from
  • stability
  • support of newer hardware
  • speed
  • ease of use (this does not necessarily mean "no command line" or "no config files")
Obviously, can't really have everything--but that's why I would like to see them, instead of them being "must-haves."

So far I have used:
  1. CentOS
  2. CrunchBang
  3. Linux Mint
  4. Mandriva
  5. openSuse (although I wouldn't say I actually got to USE it)
  6. Pardus (2008.2 and 2009)
  7. PCBSD
  8. Puppy
  9. Sabayon
  10. sidux
  11. Slackware
  12. Ultimate Edition
  13. VecorLinux
Some of these I haven't used very extensively--Puppy and sidux, for example.

My day-to-day distros:
  • Desktop: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS "Hardy" (been using this since it came out)
  • Laptop: Sabayon 4.2 Gnome

Of those my top 3 favorites so far are:
  1. Linux Mint
  2. Sabayon
  3. Pardus
My least favorite 3 (1 being the worst for me):
  1. openSuse
  2. CentOS
  3. Slackware
I don't want to get flamed for these. I do not mean that they are bad, or even that I disliked them-- I just would not choose them for my daily use, for various reasons.

I'll write a little more in-depth overview of each as I get the chance.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

GI Joe PSA redub parodies!

Part 1

Click read more for Part 2

And Part 2:


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

C4L: Don't Tread on Me (newsletter)

Some of this is cheesy (like asking for money), but some of it is good.

Click to visit Campaign for Liberty

July 13, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty:

When you’re backed into a corner, all you can do is FIGHT your way out.

Today, that’s exactly where Patriots like you and me find ourselves.

It doesn’t matter that the big government politicians from BOTH parties have nearly wrecked and bankrupted our country.

The out of control Fed...Trillion dollar stimulus bills...Record deficits under both Presidents Bush and Obama...

Bailouts...Government takeover of the Auto industry...Taxpayer-funded handouts for bankers and Wall Street...

I’m sick and tired of it. And I’m sure you are too.

...and there's more.

You and I can’t count on politicians in either party to do the right thing, not without being pushed.

The good news is Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty are fighting back. And you and I are starting to see results.

Not only that, but there’s a groundswell of folks all over the country who are also FED UP and are supporting our cause of Liberty.

With our battles heating up, I’m asking you to dig deep today to support Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty.

These battles simply can’t be won without your help.

Your support for ALL of Campaign for Liberty’s critical efforts is absolutely vital, including:
*** AUDIT THE FED, so the American people can finally see the corruption and economic devastation caused by the central planning of a handful of bankster bureaucrats;

*** STOPPING the radical environmentalists’ Cap-and-Tax scheme that would drive already sky-high energy costs through the roof, massively hike taxes on hardworking Americans and grind our economy to an immediate halt;

*** DEFEATING Big Government Medicine that would not only lead to astronomical tax hikes, but would give big government bureaucrats decision-making power over our healthcare system and virtually EVERY medical decision.
That’s why Campaign for Liberty is fighting – and why I’m asking you to act TODAY to push our battles forward!

You see, Campaign for Liberty supporters are making a REAL impact in Washington.

So many patriotic Americans are FED UP, and it’s thanks to your efforts on H.R. 1207, AUDIT THE FED.

Already, Dr. Paul’s bill has gained the support of over half of the House of Representatives! That would have been unthinkable just a year ago.

But today is a new day for our movement.

You know, it’s funny. If you read a newspaper, you won’t see a call for a full-fledged audit of the Federal Reserve.

Turn on the television and you won’t hear the talking heads calling for AUDIT THE FED.

So what’s happening? Where is the pressure coming from?

It’s simple. It’s YOU!

It’s called a grassroots R3VOLUTION.

And if you and I can succeed, Washington DC and your state government will never be the same.

But the truth of the matter is there’s still much, MUCH work to be done if we’re going to hold on to the precious freedoms we still enjoy and restore the freedoms that have been whittled away.

This is not a battle that will be won in weeks, or even months. You and I must prepare for long-term revolution to take back our country and our liberty.

In the past, the Socialists and Statists have used crises like our current economic disaster to grab more and more power.

They’re trotting out the same tired playbook now, trying to take more of our money and liberty each passing day.

The only difference is that -- in the past -- there’s been no cohesive, organized opposition ready and able to fight back.

But today, we have Ron Paul.

Today, there is Campaign for Liberty.

And you.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of folks all over the country just like YOU.

And together, we must fight back, and not back down from this challenge.

Of course, just knowing how the regime works and what it’s up to isn’t going to be enough.

As I said before, we have to start “throwing punches.”

It’s sad but true -- too many politicians don’t care about right or wrong or what’s good or bad for America.

If they did, they wouldn’t be so intent on stripping us of our God-given rights, plunging us into unconstitutional, undeclared wars and spending us to the verge of bankruptcy!

At the end of the day, too many politicians care ONLY about getting and keeping POWER.

That’s why if our movement is to succeed, you and I must FIGHT back and DEFEAT the big government politicians’ pet legislation.

And then hold the politicians accountable as well.

But to do this, the R3VOLUTION must continue to grow.

Already, we’ve recruited over 180,000 supporters for Campaign for Liberty. But that’s nowhere near the number we’ll need to really bring pressure to our elected officials. And my research indicates there may be as many as 700,000 more ready to join us – if we can reach them.

As I’m sure you know, reaching like-minded Americans through direct mail, phone banking and the internet to recruit them to our cause all takes a good deal of money.

Media campaigns like the one we’re about to embark on to help push Audit the Fed are even more expensive.

And unlike the government, we can’t just print money to cover our operations.

That’s why I’m counting on you.

I’m counting on you to make a generous contribution TODAY to help Campaign for Liberty fight back against the politicians’ big government schemes and recruit hundreds of thousands of new supporters.

When Dr. Paul announced he was running for President in 2007, few people could have imagined the movement he -- and you -- would create.

You see, you are an important part of this movement.

And today, despite all the naysayers, YOU have a very real opportunity to help turn our movement into a major political force in Washington through Campaign for Liberty.

And what you and I are able to accomplish over the next several months will help determine whether Dr. Paul’s Presidential run was truly the “start of something” or just “a flash in the pan.”

I think I know the answer. But I’m counting on every single one of Dr. Paul’s supporters to heed his call to arms today.

So please make a generous contribution of $250, $100, or $50 TODAY.

Nothing worth achieving is ever easy. Nor is it free. And I’m sure you agree, restoring real liberty in our time is truly a goal worth achieving.


John F. Tate

P.S. Campaign for Liberty supporters are making a real impact. But the truth is, you and I have to prove we’re here for the long haul.

That’s why what Campaign for Liberty can accomplish over these next several months will help determine whether Ron Paul’s Presidential candidacy was the “start of something” or just “a flash in the pan.”

So I urge you to help Campaign for Liberty fight to reclaim our freedoms, to stop more Big Government schemes and to grow our movement by making a generous contribution of $250, $100 or $50 TODAY.

Don’t let this opportunity go to waste!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

VirtualBox.... is amazing.

I know I'd heard of it before, but i don't know why it has never crossed my mind before to use it! VirtualBox is so cool in that it lets you install any operating system WITHIN your existing operating system through the "virtual box" which is basically like it's own virtual computer. This is SO much easier than doing an actual install everytime I want to test out a new OS.



Wednesday, July 8, 2009

5 reasons Microsoft is afraid of Linux

5 reasons Microsoft is afraid of Linux.

Maybe "WILL be" is a better choice of words. Right now the market share isn't too concerning for them, I'm sure. But I bet they are looking forward.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Windows pricing is so jacked up...


Monopoly lets you determine your own pricing, I guess...

Until then, let me just say that a good desktop Linux, like Ubuntu 9.04, Fedora 11, and openSUSE 11.1 won't cost you a penny and that when Apple upgrades its operating system to Snow Leopard, it will cost you $29. Period. No extra charges. No half-a-dozen different versions with different requirements and features sets. Apple and the Linux vendors just deliver the goods, not a beating with their desktop operating system offerings. Too bad Microsoft won't follow their lead. Of course, so long as Windows users are willing to pay to be abused, I guess we can count on Microsoft continuing to beat on them.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Linux Review: openSUSE 11.1


I would tell you how it was...but the live DVD never would load Xorg GUI, "too many failures."
If you can't even get X to load...I don't think it bodes well for the rest of the OS.

I tried a few times, and I could dig around online and try to figure it out, but honestly this is something I feel should work out of the box (especially for a major distro)--and if it doesn't, well, I don't want any part of it.

Pity, I was looking forward to checking it out.
Oh well

Conclusion: EPIC FAIL


Linux Review: Mandriva 2009.1

this was originally posted on July 3rd... I have come back to edit it as I gave Mandriva another shot. Click "read more" to see the update


This was really a disappointment. I really wanted to like this distro, but that just wasn't in the cards.

The liveCD booted up nicely, came up to an attractive desktop. Everything seemed to work right out of the box. However, Firefox did crash a few times--but I figured this would be resolved once the OS was actually installed.


I really liked the "linux control center", and rpmDrake looked pretty cool (click "read more" below for a couple more screenshots).

After playing around a little more, I decided to go ahead and install. It plodded along normally...and then froze. nothing at all was happening, and I had to shutdown. This was a good way along with the install process, too.

It may have been a hardware conflict or something of that sort, so I will definitely be trying out Mandriva again. In the liveCD, I didn't see anything that would particularly make me want to switch from Ubuntu, but it does look interesting!



July 5th - Re-review

So I decided to give Mandriva another chance. I tried to install again, and it did freeze, but I let it sit for long enough and it unfroze and actually completed installation. However, then I messed up the part of installing the bootloader... Mandriva did not show alongside my Ubuntu installation. Doh! So I went ahead and did the install again, but this time there was no Ubuntu alongside the "linux" entry (which I renamed Mandriva). Luckily I had made a backup of /boot/grub/menu.lst so I added my ubuntu entries back in.



NOW...everything is working normally. So far, no firefox crashes. The updater is doing lots of updates. System is up-to-date.

I don't really use a lot of software, but it seems like everything that I use was already included:
  • the Gimp
  • Openoffice
  • Firefox
  • Brasero
  • Pidgin

I did have to install gParted, though.

this seems like a pretty solid OS, and it seems to have several things that I like...
  • video drivers installed (although not totalliy free [as in freedom], it works!)
  • with the "Linux Control Center" it looks as though setting up Samba MS Windows shares and otherwise connecting to MS Windows is made to be pretty easy
  • the RPMDrake package manager looks like it works well, as does the software updater
  • good amount of software options in the rpmDrake repositories

That's about all I can say, really. It WORKS, and it would do everything I need to do. Although there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with Mandriva (aside from the initial install flop), there is not anything that "draws" me to it over any other distro. For now I most certainly prefer Ubuntu (or even Fedora).

Forums/Linux Reviews


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Celebrating freedom with open source

Celebrating freedom with open source

Happy Independence day to my US readers. This holiday is a celebration of the United States adoption of the Declaration of Independence which declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Of course many countries have similar celebrations serving a similar event in their history. And with this celebration, I thought it would be a good day to remind everyone what open source is all about…at least on a fundamental, non-TCO-ROI level.

# Date: July 4th, 2009
# Author: Jack Wallen


Thursday, July 2, 2009

We The People Stimulus Package

Bob Basso author of "Common Sense" plays the role of Thomas Paine to ignite the fire of change in America. Patriotism and Pride for America lead Thomas Paine to help take back America!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

funny because it's true: Microsoft reminds us that Windows is f*cking expensive

Microsoft reminds us that Windows is f*cking expensive

also another related article:
Microsoft punishes Linux, Mac and white box PC builders

This one is pretty funny... mostly about a guy that bought a Gateway PC and tried to run Vista...and what ensued...
It Is Like a Cow in That I Can’t Use It to Get Work Done


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Linux, anyone? - Part 2

So now I have my stable LTS version of Ubuntu, which I love since it is low maintenance. However, I just keep wanting more. I just LOVE the concept of open source software, and would really like to be more involved. So, henceforth, what I am planning to do is test several different distributions of Linux. This will help me get a good feel for what I want/need, as well as boost my knowledge of how everything works. One day I may even create my own distribution...who knows... That is a lot of work, though.

I have DistroWatch to thank for information, reviews, and links to the different distros.
Also Raiden's Realm for reliable reviews and detailed information.

So... here is the list of distributions I will experiment with, and will try to review as I am able:
I'm really excited about the last two, being they are the most involved. We'll see how it goes, though. Wish me luck!

edit: I'll even add these to this list!

Go here to check out the forums for an updated list of the Linux OSs I am going to try out.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Linux, anyone?

I've been using Linux for several years...pretty much since college. Mostly on and off until 2 years ago,though, dual-booting with Windows. Then I went full steam ahead, and no longer use Windows at all (except at work...where I have to).

The first Linux distribution ("distro") I remember using was Red Hat. I think I still have the CDs somewhere. I struggled, and didn't really know what I was doing, but I still had Windows so it was okay.

As time progressed, updates kept coming, and Linux evolved. It got both easier and better.

I stopped using Red Hat, and tried out openSuse. I did not really care for openSuSe at all. I think this was version 10.2

At the suggestion of a friend, I tried Ubuntu. It was great. I was still using off and on at this point, and at one point got pretty into computer games, and stopped logging into Linux for a while. And then I logged in one day and updated. I forget what version I upgraded from/to (maybe 6.10 to 7.04? and then to 7.10?), but it had been a while. The new version was GREAT. the wireless actually worked, the NVIDIA driver worked also. everything was more as it should be, with less customization on my end. I've been hooked ever since. I am currently using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS "Hardy Heron."

The LTS is "long term support", which means it stays stable longer because it is updated less often, while getting security updates and bug fixes for longer. good stuff.

I am going somewhere with this, but I think I'll wait to update tomorrow. keep you hangin ;-)



Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm good to go for a long time! : "A few extra pounds can add years to your life"

A few extra pounds can add years to your life: study

To sum it up, don't be too fat, and don't be too skinny.

Carrying a little extra weight may actually be good for you, according to a Canadian study that showed a few pounds appear to protect people from an early death.

Researchers found that while underweight and extremely obese people die earlier than people of a normal weight, people who are slightly overweight actually live longer than those of a normal weight.

The findings of the new study were published online in the journal Obesity by researchers at Statistics Canada, Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, Portland State University, Oregon Health & Science University, and McGill University.

"It's not surprising that extreme underweight and extreme obesity increase the risk of dying, but it is surprising that carrying a little extra weight may give people a longevity advantage," researcher David Feeny from the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research said in a statement.

But fellow researcher Mark Kaplan, professor of Community Health at Portland State University, said while a few extra pounds may protect older people as their health declines, that did not mean people of normal weight should try to add bulk.

"Our study only looked at mortality, not at quality of life, and there are many negative health consequences associated with obesity, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes," said Kaplan.

The study was based on examining the relationship between body mass index and death among 11,326 adults in Canada over a 12-year period using data from the National Population Health Survey.

During the study period, from 1994/1995 through 2006/2007, underweight people were 70 percent more likely than people of normal weight to die, and extremely obese people were 36 percent more likely to die.

But overweight individuals were 17 percent less likely to die. The relative risk for obese people was nearly the same as for people of normal weight.

The researchers said this was the first large Canadian study to show that people who are overweight may actually live longer than those of normal weight. An earlier study, conducted in the United States and published in 2005 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed similar results.

(Editing by Miral Fahmy)


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Classic Hilarity : Dave Chapelle as "Black Bush"

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Black Bush
Buy Chappelle's Show DVDsBlack ComedyTrue Hollywood Story


C4L: Obama's Regulatory Plan Strengthens Federal Reserve

June 20, 2009
Dear Friend of Liberty,
This week, the Obama administration unveiled another scheme to give more power to an already out of control Federal Reserve under the guise of regulatory "reform." (The 85 page "plan" can be read in its entirety here.)
This Fed power grab will do nothing to help our economy or enable us to take control back from banksters and Wall Street insiders.  Instead, their proposal will address our economic crisis by creating more rules, regulations, and government agencies.  And of course, the plan is to spend more money we don't have to implement this bureaucratic nightmare.
The Federal Reserve, currently taking hits from all sides, receives a substantial increase in powers from this proposal.  Yes, you read that right.  In the midst of the unprecedented squandering of TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars, the Fed is going to get MORE power, unless you and I stop this scheme.

Click "Read More" to see the rest

According to The Wall Street Journal:
The proposal, if passed into law, would represent one of the biggest changes ever in the Fed's role. The central bank would win power to monitor risks across the financial system, and sweeping authority to examine any firm that could threaten financial stability, even if the Fed wouldn't normally supervise the institution. The nation's biggest and most interconnected firms would be subject to heightened oversight by the central bank....
Read the rest (which also has an Audit the Fed mention) here.
In another WSJ article, we find that:
The Fed emerges from the plan with the power to oversee from top to bottom almost any financial company in the country, including the firms' foreign affiliates....
So any financial firm, even if it doesn't actually own an insured depository institution, would be subject to regulation by the Federal Reserve.
The same institution that fueled the housing bubble and made our current economic crisis possible is now the one who gets to decide who poses a risk to the economy!
The idea that the Fed's power would be increased right now is absurd.
Thanks to the efforts of Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty supporters, well over half of the House of Representatives is now on record supporting a thorough audit of the Federal Reserve.
So why would Congress even consider granting the Fed new powers?
As you may have seen, recorded testimony from the Fed's Inspector General shows she has NO IDEA how our money is being spent there and NO IDEA what is really going on -- or at least won't say.
And the central bank is under so much fire that it has to hire a lobbyist to defend itself on Capitol Hill.
You might assume that the Fed would be in retreat. Or at least that the Obama administration wouldn't even THINK about granting them new powers right now.
Think again.  Politics trumps logic once more.
Despite all the promises of "change" that were so easy to make during the primary season, the Obama administration is practicing business as usual.
Like previous administrations, its ideas involve centralizing power among a few under the guise of "streamlining" the process. Instead of achieving accountability, this plan will further empower the Fed and their allies on Wall Street and in international banks.
It all goes to show that our work to Audit the Fed is only beginning.
While the support we have so far achieved is historic, you and I are taking on more than just our nation's central bank.
We are challenging a long-held, firmly entrenched mindset that begins and ends any conversation by asking how the federal government can increase its power.
So today, let's do two things:
1. Urge your Congressman and Senators to support H.R. 1207/S. 604, Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, to pull back the curtain and expose the out of control Fed once and for all.   If your Congressman or Senator is already a cosponsor, urge him or her to do everything in their power to ensure this vital bill comes to a vote in the near future.
2.  Insist your Congressman and Senators resist granting any new power to the Fed by rejecting the Obama administration's new financial regulatory scheme.
Thank you for all your work on behalf of the cause of freedom. In the face of growing threats to everything our movement stands for, your support enables Campaign for Liberty to champion the principles that made this nation great.
In Liberty,
John F. Tate

P.S.  Your action today is vital to both the continued momentum on passing Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, AND to fight back against a new scheme from the Obama administration released this week to grant MORE power to the Fed.
Please act quickly, and contact Congress today! Visit our States page and click on your state to get contact information for your Congressman and Senators!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Congressman Ron Paul on Healthcare (video)

Click "Read More" to read a letter from RP (and another from John Tate) on this subject

Dear Friend,

As both a defender of Liberty and a Medical Doctor, I’m very concerned about the plans the Obama Administration and many in Congress have to increase the government’s role in healthcare.

Medical decisions being made by government bureaucrats, loss of privacy of medical data, and our ability to keep our own insurance and doctors are all up for grabs once Congress starts moving on these government takeover and rationing schemes.

But the good news is you and I can fight back.

Because you’ve joined me in battle before, I wanted you to be among the first people contacted by Campaign for Liberty in their fight against this federal power grab of our healthcare.

As you may know, Campaign for Liberty is carrying the Revolution forward and is leading the fight in Congress and all across the country, mobilizing Patriots to battle.

This battle against government-run healthcare is one I sincerely hope you will join.

Please watch this video I recorded to in response to this Government Healthcare Takeover Plan.

And if you have not already, please take a careful look at the letter below from Campaign for Liberty’s President, John Tate, and do all you can to help our fight for freedom.

For Liberty,

Congressman Ron Paul

Dear Friend of Liberty:

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

If these words send a shiver up your spine now... just wait.

What if the next time you hear that, it’s your doctor?

What if it’s the person who decides if you get a life-saving procedure?

If that scares you as much as it scares me, I hope you’ll sumbit the petition below to Congress IMMEDIATELY.

And I hope you’ll join Campaign for Liberty’s fight against this government takeover of our healthcare system by making a generous donation as well.

I'll give you the link for petition in just a moment, but first let me explain how urgent this effort is.

As you’ll see, there’s no time to waste.

You and I must DEMAND President Obama and Congress back off their healthcare rationing Scheme and other plans for government intervention.

There’s no telling when Congress may act to implement their European-style takeover of medicine, so there’s absolutely NO time to waste.

If passed, not only could the $1.5 TRILLION federal government takeover of healthcare be the last straw to bankrupt our country, but it would also:

*** Hand control of our healthcare industry to an unelected federal board who will take charge of deciding who gets medical care -- and who doesn’t;

*** End medical privacy by establishing a nationwide Medical Record Database, allowing virtually anyone in the medical-industrial complex -- even those in foreign countries -- to access your personal medical records WITHOUT your consent;

*** End private health insurance by herding hardworking Americans into a government-sanctioned health insurance boondoggle;

*** Dramatically raise taxes by counting health benefits as “income,” or by forcing businesses and uninsured workers to pay for officially sanctioned insurance.

*** Allow for even more government intrusion into our personal lives by paving the way for bureaucrats to tell us what we can and can’t eat, drink and smoke, like New York City’s ban on smoking and “unapproved” fats in food.

I can tell you my friend; there has never in our history been a more imminent danger of government-run healthcare becoming the law of the land.

That’s why it’s vital you act TODAY!

You see -- two major events have come together to assist their diabolical plans to take over our healthcare.

First, as you know, international banksters and their allies in our federal government raided our Treasury, stole our tax dollars, and nearly sank our economy.

This job-destroying recession - largely caused by an out of control Federal Reserve, Congress and Wall Street - has caused far too many families to have to worry about their jobs – and their healthcare.

And then, just as millions of Americans were feeling the effects of this troubled economy, large-scale fear was foisted upon us by government agencies thirsty for more power and control over our lives.

You see, after radically overhyping the threat to U.S. citizens from the swine flu, the government now believes you are ready to be led to “safety.”

They believe all they have to do is constantly harp about the “high cost of healthcare” and American citizens will instantly fall in line behind their scheme to “take care of us.”

But of course, you and I both know we didn’t get here by accident and we didn’t get here in only the last few months.

The truth is, the answer to our problems is NOT more government involvement in healthcare.

The answer is LESS -- so the free market can inexpensively and efficiently distribute much-needed healthcare services to ALL American citizens.

But, of course, that’s not what those in power in Washington D.C. really want.

After all, that would mean they’d have less POWER and less CONTROL over our lives -- and power and control are EXACTLY what this fight is all about.

You see, this Government Healthcare Takeover and Rationing Scheme strikes at the heart of EVERYTHING you and I hold dear.

You and I believe American citizens ARE NOT cattle to be poked, prodded and herded like livestock by government bureaucrats who “know what’s best for us.”

But under their Big Government Healthcare power grab, you’ll be nothing more than a dehumanized statistic -- a number on a piece of paper.

The Federal Healthcare Rationing Board will make THEIR decisions on what healthcare you and your family receive based not on what YOU or your doctor decide is best . . .

. . . But on what THEY decide is best.

Isn’t your life really worth saving? What about your family’s?

Well, the Obama Administration and their Big Government allies in both parties think you’re too “personally invested” to answer those questions “objectively.”

So they want their own handpicked, Washington, D.C. bureaucrats to answer them for you.

And if you don’t like their decisions?

Well, hopefully you can live with them -- literally.

If that scares you as much as it scares me, I hope you’ll submit the Petition to Congress opposing any Government takeover of healthcare.

Campaign for Liberty will gather these Petitions from hundreds of thousands of supporters nationwide, and use them as part of a huge grassroots blitz on Washington in opposition to government-run healthcare.

You and I must lead this fight to stop the government from taking over yet another area of our lives.

You see, Campaign for Liberty supporters know first-hand what happens when out of control bureaucrats are left to make decisions that impact our freedom.

Think about what that means for your healthcare.

What do you think will happen under a government run healthcare system if your political or religious views happen to be “undesirable?”

What about if you own a gun?

You know, after seeing all those government memos accusing freedom-loving, law-abiding citizens of being “terrorists,” do you really want to find out?

Just like in that case, while we may wonder about the full extent of their schemes, we need only look at what they’re willing to say publicly for clues as to their intentions.

You see, the advocates for government-run healthcare are not at all afraid to say they want a socialized healthcare system like Canada’s.

And you and I know what the government takeover of healthcare in other countries has brought them.

There, folks have to wait over four months just to see a specialist -- and over SIX MONTHS for simple surgical procedures!

Can you imagine that? Is that really what we want for ourselves and our families?

Well, Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty strongly say “NO!”

But as it stands now, not enough Americans understand what’s at stake for them and their families.

That means our backs are TRULY against the wall.

The good news in this fight is that IF you and I show Americans what Government Health Care is really all about, we CAN defeat it.

But to succeed, it’s up to you and me to flood the White House and Congress with a TIDAL WAVE of public opposition.

That’s why Campaign for Liberty is pulling out all the stops to inform folks about the facts -- and urge them to express their outrage to Washington, D.C.

We’ll start with these Petitions, which we’ll gather and deliver in the coming weeks. But of course, that won’t be all.

E-mail blasts. Blogs. Direct mail. Phone banking.

Town halls, meet-ups, leaflet drops.

Newspaper, radio and television ads.

Media and PR blitzes from Campaign for Liberty staff and supporters.

But such an extensive program isn’t cheap.

And it’s the ONLY way we’re going to defeat further erosions of our freedoms and the government’s takeover of our healthcare.

So in addition to submitting a signed Petition, please make your most generous contribution of $250, $100 or $50 TODAY!

The truth is, without your IMMEDIATE action, I’m afraid there just won’t be enough time or money to do everything that needs to be done.

And I’m sure you’ll agree, this is not a fight you and I can afford to lose. And that no one can bring the heat quite like you and your fellow Patriots. Just look at how much progress we are making toward Auditing the Fed!

So please click here to submit your petition along with a contribution of $250, $100 or $50 TODAY!

Power-hungry politicians in Washington, D.C. are intent on ramming this bill into law before the American people realize what’s at stake.

That’s why we may not have much time.

So please click here to submit your Petition and generous contribution of $250, $100 or $50 IMMEDIATELY!


John F. Tate

P.S. The Federal Government is poised to hand over your healthcare, your medical records, and decisions over even life and death to unelected bureaucrats.

There’s not a moment to waste if you want to keep your freedom, your doctor, even the power to decide whether you receive life-saving medical care.

Please join Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty today in our fight to stop a Big Government takeover of Healthcare, before it’s too late!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

a Message from Ron Paul about Socialized Health Care

Another email from the C4L

Dear Friend,

As both a defender of Liberty and a Medical Doctor, I’m very concerned about the plans the Obama Administration and many in Congress have to increase the government’s role in healthcare.

Medical decisions being made by government bureaucrats, loss of privacy of medical data, and our ability to keep our own insurance and doctors are all up for grabs once Congress starts moving on these government takeover and rationing schemes.

But the good news is you and I can fight back.

Because you’ve joined me in battle before, I wanted you to be among the first people contacted by Campaign for Liberty in their fight against this federal power grab of our healthcare.

As you may know, Campaign for Liberty is carrying the Revolution forward and is leading the fight in Congress and all across the country, mobilizing Patriots to battle.

This battle against government-run healthcare is one I sincerely hope you will join.

Please take a careful look at the letter below from Campaign for Liberty’s President, John Tate, and do all you can to help our fight for freedom.

For Liberty,

Congressman Ron Paul

P.S. As I sat down to write this to you, President Obama and the House Democrats announced a deal to pass his healthcare power grab through the House no later than July 31. It’s even more urgent you read the letter below and take action TODAY!

Click "read more" to see a message from John Tate, also

Dear Friend of Liberty:

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

If these words send a shiver up your spine now... just wait.

What if the next time you hear that, it’s your doctor?

What if it’s the person who decides if you get a life-saving procedure?

If that scares you as much as it scares me, I hope you’ll sumbit the petition below to Congress IMMEDIATELY.

And I hope you’ll join Campaign for Liberty’s fight against this government takeover of our healthcare system by making a generous donation as well.

I'll give you the link for petition in just a moment, but first let me explain how urgent this effort is.

As you’ll see, there’s no time to waste.

You and I must DEMAND President Obama and Congress back off their healthcare rationing Scheme and other plans for government intervention.

There’s no telling when Congress may act to implement their European-style takeover of medicine, so there’s absolutely NO time to waste.

If passed, not only could the $1.5 TRILLION federal government takeover of healthcare be the last straw to bankrupt our country, but it would also:
*** Hand control of our healthcare industry to an unelected federal board who will take charge of deciding who gets medical care -- and who doesn’t;

*** End medical privacy by establishing a nationwide Medical Record Database, allowing virtually anyone in the medical-industrial complex -- even those in foreign countries -- to access your personal medical records WITHOUT your consent;

*** End private health insurance by herding hardworking Americans into a government-sanctioned health insurance boondoggle;

*** Dramatically raise taxes by counting health benefits as “income,” or by forcing businesses and uninsured workers to pay for officially sanctioned insurance.

*** Allow for even more government intrusion into our personal lives by paving the way for bureaucrats to tell us what we can and can’t eat, drink and smoke, like New York City’s ban on smoking and “unapproved” fats in food.
I can tell you my friend; there has never in our history been a more imminent danger of government-run healthcare becoming the law of the land.

That’s why it’s vital you act TODAY!

You see -- two major events have come together to assist their diabolical plans to take over our healthcare.

First, as you know, international banksters and their allies in our federal government raided our Treasury, stole our tax dollars, and nearly sank our economy.

This job-destroying recession - largely caused by an out of control Federal Reserve, Congress and Wall Street - has caused far too many families to have to worry about their jobs – and their healthcare.

And then, just as millions of Americans were feeling the effects of this troubled economy, large-scale fear was foisted upon us by government agencies thirsty for more power and control over our lives.

You see, after radically overhyping the threat to U.S. citizens from the swine flu, the government now believes you are ready to be led to “safety.”

They believe all they have to do is constantly harp about the “high cost of healthcare” and American citizens will instantly fall in line behind their scheme to “take care of us.”

But of course, you and I both know we didn’t get here by accident and we didn’t get here in only the last few months.

The truth is, the answer to our problems is NOT more government involvement in healthcare.

The answer is LESS -- so the free market can inexpensively and efficiently distribute much-needed healthcare services to ALL American citizens.

But, of course, that’s not what those in power in Washington D.C. really want.

After all, that would mean they’d have less POWER and less CONTROL over our lives -- and power and control are EXACTLY what this fight is all about.

You see, this Government Healthcare Takeover and Rationing Scheme strikes at the heart of EVERYTHING you and I hold dear.

You and I believe American citizens ARE NOT cattle to be poked, prodded and herded like livestock by government bureaucrats who “know what’s best for us.”

But under their Big Government Healthcare power grab, you’ll be nothing more than a dehumanized statistic -- a number on a piece of paper.

The Federal Healthcare Rationing Board will make THEIR decisions on what healthcare you and your family receive based not on what YOU or your doctor decide is best . . .

. . . But on what THEY decide is best.

Isn’t your life really worth saving? What about your family’s?

Well, the Obama Administration and their Big Government allies in both parties think you’re too “personally invested” to answer those questions “objectively.”

So they want their own handpicked, Washington, D.C. bureaucrats to answer them for you.

And if you don’t like their decisions?

Well, hopefully you can live with them -- literally.

If that scares you as much as it scares me, I hope you’ll submit the Petition to Congress opposing any Government takeover of healthcare.

Campaign for Liberty will gather these Petitions from hundreds of thousands of supporters nationwide, and use them as part of a huge grassroots blitz on Washington in opposition to government-run healthcare.

You and I must lead this fight to stop the government from taking over yet another area of our lives.

You see, Campaign for Liberty supporters know first-hand what happens when out of control bureaucrats are left to make decisions that impact our freedom.

Think about what that means for your healthcare.

What do you think will happen under a government run healthcare system if your political or religious views happen to be “undesirable?”

What about if you own a gun?

You know, after seeing all those government memos accusing freedom-loving, law-abiding citizens of being “terrorists,” do you really want to find out?

Just like in that case, while we may wonder about the full extent of their schemes, we need only look at what they’re willing to say publicly for clues as to their intentions.

You see, the advocates for government-run healthcare are not at all afraid to say they want a socialized healthcare system like Canada’s.

And you and I know what the government takeover of healthcare in other countries has brought them.

There, folks have to wait over four months just to see a specialist -- and over SIX MONTHS for simple surgical procedures!

Can you imagine that? Is that really what we want for ourselves and our families?

Well, Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty strongly say “NO!”

But as it stands now, not enough Americans understand what’s at stake for them and their families.

That means our backs are TRULY against the wall.

The good news in this fight is that IF you and I show Americans what Government Health Care is really all about, we CAN defeat it.

But to succeed, it’s up to you and me to flood the White House and Congress with a TIDAL WAVE of public opposition.

That’s why Campaign for Liberty is pulling out all the stops to inform folks about the facts -- and urge them to express their outrage to Washington, D.C.

We’ll start with these Petitions, which we’ll gather and deliver in the coming weeks. But of course, that won’t be all.

E-mail blasts. Blogs. Direct mail. Phone banking.

Town halls, meet-ups, leaflet drops.

Newspaper, radio and television ads.

Media and PR blitzes from Campaign for Liberty staff and supporters.

But such an extensive program isn’t cheap.

And it’s the ONLY way we’re going to defeat further erosions of our freedoms and the government’s takeover of our healthcare.

So in addition to submitting a signed Petition, please make your most generous contribution of $250, $100 or $50 TODAY!

The truth is, without your IMMEDIATE action, I’m afraid there just won’t be enough time or money to do everything that needs to be done.

And I’m sure you’ll agree, this is not a fight you and I can afford to lose. And that no one can bring the heat quite like you and your fellow Patriots. Just look at how much progress we are making toward Auditing the Fed!

So please click here to submit your petition along with a contribution of $250, $100 or $50 TODAY!

Power-hungry politicians in Washington, D.C. are intent on ramming this bill into law before the American people realize what’s at stake.

That’s why we may not have much time.

So please click here to submit your Petition and generous contribution of $250, $100 or $50 IMMEDIATELY!


John F. Tate

P.S. The Federal Government is poised to hand over your healthcare, your medical records, and decisions over even life and death to unelected bureaucrats.

There’s not a moment to waste if you want to keep your freedom, your doctor, even the power to decide whether you receive life-saving medical care.

Please join Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty today in our fight to stop a Big Government takeover of Healthcare, before it’s too late!


"Old" fQ back up...sort of

I got my web host to get everything back together. I set up the domains and whatnot and now it's back going again. I say "old" because it is really not all that old. Except for the "archive" part.

These URLs point to "Old" fQ: (not yet active) (only active through sometime in August)

These URLs still point to this (the main site):

This will be kind of up and down until I get everything stabilized completely.

Be sure to take note of the poll ----------->
and give feedback in the forums, and you know, here as well.

Links to the forums:

Link to the old forums:


I dislike Cheney, and apparently the CIA director questions him too

CIA Director Leon Panetta's remarks on former Vice President Dick Cheney made in a nearly 7,600-word interview with The New Yorker generated some media attention last night and this morning. Calling them "tough words," ABC World News reported briefly that Panetta said of Cheney, who "has repeatedly, of course, criticized the Obama Administration's approach to terrorism," that "it's almost as if he is wishing that this country would be attacked again, in order to make his point.'" Panetta, the New Yorker (6/22, Mayer) reports, was responding to a speech the former vice president made at the American Enterprise Institute, where he accused the Administration of making "the American people less safe" by banning brutal CIA interrogations of terrorism suspects that had been sanctioned by the Bush Administration.
Panetta Wonders If Cheney Wants Al Qaeda To Attack US To Prove Point

There are a few problems with this.

#1. Cheney thinks we need to torture people to get anything done.
This is erroneous, mainly because torturing others only incites them to more violence. Also, if we are going to be the "policeman of the world," then we have to operate at a higher standard than everyone else in the world--especially primitive third world countries, it should be obvious we should not stoop to their level. It is a good thing that we no longer torture our political prisoners.

#2. Sen McCain wants CIA Director Leon Panetta to retract his remarks
Why would this ever be the case? Does Panetta not have freedom of speech just because he disagrees with what Neo-con Cheney has to say? If nothing else, McCain should retract his statement that he wants Panetta to retract his! Ridiculous. This is what got me in an uproar about this whole thing to begin with.

I think it is very strange (...and kind of sad...) that I actually agree with Joe Biden on this subject:
The current vice president, however, said "he wouldn't question the motive behind Cheney's criticism." Said Biden, "I think Dick Cheney's judgment about how to secure America is faulty. I think our judgment is correct."
Well, maybe not about the Obama administration's judgement being correct...they have no been correct about much too far. Anyway, I think Cheney is (and always has been) wrong.

There's more...

MCCAIN: I think that the vice president is deeply concerned about his reputation and place in history. He thinks that it's being is characterized, and he believes that he was right in the position that he took. I respectfully disagreed over interrogation techniques. But that in no way should bring us into question his integrity, his love of this country and his commitment to its security. And that's what Leon Panetta has done now, and it's totally uncalled for.

That is not what Panetta has done....

McCain is not a bad guy, but I really disagree with a lot he says (or implies) in the interview. For instance, he says we should support the Iranian people's rights and such. We do NOT need to start another war! We should support the rights of the AMERICAN people, first and foremost! Our liberties are being whittled away, and hardly anyone bats an eye...

I guess I better stop talking badly about McCain before I offend someone. ha!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Some more info about the site crash

So, apparently there is a backup of the website.  However the (free) webhost has to re-create my account and set everything back up.

I really can't complain, I is a FREE host.  However, lately the outages have been really common, and then now this complete deletion of my account.  pretty crazy.

I think that I will stick with this (blogger), being it is still free, and the uptime is MUCH better.  Also, since I'm not really doing a lot of custom type design or site layout type of stuff, it doesn't really matter.  I don't need a custom host to do the types of things I am doing.  The old factorQ archive was neat to have up and running, to be able to read through, and I may enable that again, witha  link or something.

I just think blogger is all good for now.
That in combination with the forums (which are run on yuku) make a pretty sweet setup.  Especially given the amount of traffic I experience on a day to day basis...which is very little.

Friday, June 12, 2009

People are not smart enough to make their own decisions...

so the government has to do it for us.

Senate approves FDA reg of tobacco

At least this guy got a reduced sentence, being he was obeying state law to the letter. Federal law has to control as much as possible, in order to justify its existence.
366 day sentence for pot dispensary owner


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill Passes 218 Cosponsors!!

June 11, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

We wanted to make sure you were the first to know that your hard work and dedication has resulted in Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, HR 1207, gaining the support of a majority of the House of Representatives!

Just moments ago, Dr. Paul's congressional office issued a press release announcing that HR 1207 had received its 218th cosponsor, and that the list has now grown to 222!

Read their press release here.

Since our last update put the number at 207 on Tuesday, here is the list of representatives that have signed on:

-Rep. David Loebsack
-Rep. Gary Miller
-Rep. Frank Wolf
-Rep. Corrine Brown
-Rep. Jackie Speier
-Rep. Bruce Braley
-Rep. Donna Edwards
-Rep. Bobby Bright
-Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao
-Rep. Jared Polis
-Rep. Dennis Kucinich
-Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon
-Rep. Howard Coble
-Rep. Jean Schmidt
-Rep. Heath Shuler

This is an incredible victory for the freedom movement, but our work to Audit the Fed is only just beginning! Now we must concentrate on seeing the bill through the committee process and getting it to the House floor for a vote.

With your continued support, we will do just that. Together, we will restore transparency to our nation's monetary system.

Thank you for all you do for the cause of liberty!

In Liberty,

John Tate


This was from an email I received from the C4L

fQ servers crashed...lost the site

Link to post in forums (click)

The host (x10hosting) were upgrading the server I was on, and during the abrupt shutdown/repair procedure some website accounts were lost. was one of these. They are still trying to determine if an update was made before the loss, but until then, blogspot comes through with Google reliability.

I'll have to pretty it up later, but for now, is what it is.

The forums are still up and going, naturally:

Monday, March 30, 2009

More old stuff: Offroading 03-04-2006

I also got stuck this time. However my jeep was completely stock with street tires. I actually busted/bent my spring pack in one of these videos.

