Friday, July 24, 2009

My Distro-hopping journey (part 1)

A while back I mentioned that I wanted to start testing out/reviewing several GNU/Linux and BSD operating systems. I've been doing this, however I have found that it is awfully imprudent (or maybe just overambitious) for me to do a full in-depth review of each one.

That really isn't much my style, anyhow. I don't really observe all the specifics about much of anything. I'm more of a "generalizer."

So, instead of having the goal of writing a full review of each one, what I am going to do is have a personal synopsis of each one, and how well it meets my criterion for being an OS that I like, or could even come to love.

Mainly, the things I would like to see:
  • a decent-sized software repository
  • a way to get updates (both for newer software, and security) that is not too complicated
  • a few desktop environments to choose from
  • stability
  • support of newer hardware
  • speed
  • ease of use (this does not necessarily mean "no command line" or "no config files")
Obviously, can't really have everything--but that's why I would like to see them, instead of them being "must-haves."

So far I have used:
  1. CentOS
  2. CrunchBang
  3. Linux Mint
  4. Mandriva
  5. openSuse (although I wouldn't say I actually got to USE it)
  6. Pardus (2008.2 and 2009)
  7. PCBSD
  8. Puppy
  9. Sabayon
  10. sidux
  11. Slackware
  12. Ultimate Edition
  13. VecorLinux
Some of these I haven't used very extensively--Puppy and sidux, for example.

My day-to-day distros:
  • Desktop: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS "Hardy" (been using this since it came out)
  • Laptop: Sabayon 4.2 Gnome

Of those my top 3 favorites so far are:
  1. Linux Mint
  2. Sabayon
  3. Pardus
My least favorite 3 (1 being the worst for me):
  1. openSuse
  2. CentOS
  3. Slackware
I don't want to get flamed for these. I do not mean that they are bad, or even that I disliked them-- I just would not choose them for my daily use, for various reasons.

I'll write a little more in-depth overview of each as I get the chance.


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