Thursday, July 30, 2009

Easy Netbook Linux

But Linux's declining popularity on netbooks also had something to do with the choice of Linux versions that PC makers chose to run on their hardware. Acer's awfully-named Linpus Linux was adequate but had none of the coolness of something like Fedora or Ubuntu Linux. And Asus' EEE Linux also failed to sparkle.

Easy Peasy

Now there is a version of Linux that runs exceptionally well on the likes of the Asus EEE, even on the smallest 4G version with its slimmed down solid state drive. Easy Peasy Linux ( was previously called Ubuntu EEE and, as its former name suggests, is based on the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution.

I installed Eeebuntu (NBR) on my wife's eeePC. Like it a lot, but this looks really similar.


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